Regardless of the roles we have taken in our adult lives, us women have faced many moments in life where we’re often spoken at rather than with; we’re often told how and why to exist and in which form or in which capacity rather than having the option to choose for ourselves; it gets worse when we forget to value ourselves in a higher, mental capacity which could land us a better job, ease our family schedules, or help us say yes to personal time guilt-freely. In support of focusing on mental health awareness initiatives established by Network Ireland during the month of September, 2019, 1 Plus Events have been hired to bring attention to juggling and balancing the responsibilities women take upon themselves. We look forward to the continued support and interest in leading these conversations and can’t wait to see everyone there! (Stay tuned for conversations regarding Men’s Mental Health for Movember by signing up to the Blanchardstown Corporate Park newsletter found, here.)

– Melissa Hoover, 1 Plus Events, Community Managers for Blanchardstown Corporate Park.

Blanchardstown Corporate Park 4-part women’s mental health conversation group event details:

  • Audience profile: The audience profile for this conversation group is open to everyone. Audiences are encouraged to attend each conversation group or to select individual topics of their choice.
  • Audience participation is encouraged: This event is set up with the audience in mind to lead the dialogue. The experts are available to keep shared discussions bound by the topics of the day and to provide proactive solutions to concepts discussed.
  • Dates: 4, 11, 18, and 25 September
  • Time: 8.00 – 8.45 am, every Wednesday morning during September
  • LocationRegus, ground floor, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 1, Block 1
  • Registration link: The first 24-reservations will be given seating priority

Conversation points for each week of the Blanchardstown Corporate Park 4-part women’s mental health conversation group

4th September, week 1: Beating imposter syndrome by rewiring your brain 

Elzaan Marnane, Principal Clinical Psychologist with Core Clinical, will be leading the conversation during week 1 and closing the conversation during week 4.

  • Self-limiting beliefs associated with imposter syndrome keep undermining us because they are wired into our brains
  • There are specific factors that are created and are maintained, the self-limiting neurological wiring in the brains of women
  • We can truly start to believe that we are good enough by challenging and changing this faulty wiring

11th September, week 2: Identifying self-care

Tracy Mallon, Psychotherapist and Certified Mindfulness Trainer with Heartful Connections Counselling, will continue the conversation for week 2.

  • The mental load and what exactly does it mean?
  • Why do we struggle with self-care?
    • Sometimes feelings like guilt, or even just not knowing our own needs or how best to meet them, can reduce our ability to benefit from the kinds of things we try to do/call self-care. Let’s start to really get to know ourselves and our needs.
  • Self-care, on its own, is not enough; there remains prioritising supportive relationships and finding our cheerleaders in life. We are a social species wired for connection and co-operation for our very survival!
  • How to reduce the mental load – delegating versus specialising
  • Practical ways to avoid burnout; “if we don’t make time for wellness, we will end up having to make time for illness, either way, we spend time!”

18th September, week 3:  Demanding your monetary worth 

Aoife Gaffney, Money Coach with Prudence Moneypenny Coaching, coaches audiences on her personal branded message, how to be a W.I.T.C.H – a Woman in Total Control of Herself to gain financial freedom through the following steps: 

  • Identify and release your money blocks  
  • Overcome underearning  
  • Create lasting and easy to follow wealth building plans  
  • Pay yourself first without feeling selfish  
  • Do more with less effort and less money  
  • Feel comfortable talking about money  
  • Stop sabotaging your own success  
  • Transform your relationship with yourself and your money 

25th September, week 4:  Understanding your unique stress response through polyvagal theory 

  • What is the polyvagal theory? 
  • How polyvagal theory can help you to: 
    • See that your stress response is valid 
    • Realise that self-care is not a guilty pleasure or selfish pursuit.  It is a necessary investment to help you stay in your zone where you can thrive. 
    • Set boundaries without guilt

Profiles and bios regarding our leading experts for the Blanchardstown Corporate Park Women’s Mental Health conversation group

Elzaan Marnane is registered with the PSI as a Chartered Clinical Psychologist. She is the co-owner and director of Core Clinical, a private psychiatry and psychology service. She currently also works with Empower; a company dedicated to empowering disadvantaged members of the community in the Fingal area.  Her passion is to give all women access to information that can enable them to free themselves from self-limiting beliefs. 

Elzaan leads a personal workshop for women, entitled “Escape your cage.”  This workshop will aim to provide women with information and practical tools to enable them to truly believe in themselves. The date for that separate event is on the 28th of September.

Tracy Mallon provides a counselling and psychotherapy service as a qualified & IACP pre-accredited psychotherapist and certified mindfulness trainer. 

She works with individuals and couples in Meath & Dublin. 

The nature of her work is one of authentic and compassionate relationship. Her approach is person-centred and integrative drawing on several theoretical approaches such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Psychodynamic, Gestalt, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). She also brings a wide knowledge of current neuroscience research in the workings of our brain, mind, heart and body connections. She is passionate about our ability to heal in relationship.

Aoife Gaffney, Founder and CEO of Prudence Moneypenny Coaching, prides herself as an eternal student and the go-to person when it comes to all-things-money.  She finds the connections available in her pool of resources, such as collaboration efforts, those who can help her, and those who she can help. Click here to find out what we mean.

Creator of her signature “Money Magic” programme, she empowers women to take control of their financial freedom by helping them get out of that scary place of isolation and fear around money. She coaches women of all ages to expand their money mindset and learn powerful techniques which allow them to grow their wealth more efficiently, effectively, and strategically with little or no extra effort.