Project Description

Spooks Parade Events

Our Mission

A Halloween themed parade bringing together local families and retailers workers.

Our Challenge

Delivering the same level of quality & service in 7 different locations within a weekend.

Our Goal

Community building between the Retail Parks and the local residents.
Halloween Poster Design

A Family-friendly Halloween Celebration

We came up with this idea and proposed it to our clients, which eventually took place in Bray, Drogheda, Limerick, Naas, Navan, Sligo, and Waterford. Through strategic event planning with Sigma Retail Partners and the various retailers on-site, we organised the Halloween themed activation. The retail events are fun, family-friendly activities that comprise face painting, Halloween themed characters, music. some sweets, and a competition for the best-dressed kids. An online registration system was introduced to this retail event to better manage the crowd.

What We Provided

Poster Design, Photography, Videography, Video Production, Social Media Management, Event Planning, Event Management, Retail Communication, Retail Event, Risk Assessment, Event Security


All pre-registered online tickets (1,700) were sold out. The event was a great success that went a long way in fostering a sense of community in the local area. Our clients were happy with the boost of sales and brand recognition for the Park. The retail events were shared by local media. Check out more pictures here.

“Great event. Very well organised & lovely staff. My girls loved it. Looking forward to next year.”

PATSY, Customer at Parkway Retail Park

“It was a great turnout”

AMY, Face Painter - Contractor

“Great event. Very well organised & lovely staff. My girls loved it. Looking forward to next year”

ATTENDEE, Parkway Retail Park

“It was a great afternoon my lil oompa loompas had so much fun”

ATTENDEE, Parkway Retail Park